News from our other blogs you may have missed.
Taking the Public’s Temperature: Is today’s public friendlier to healthcare reform than yesteryear’s? Kevin Drum seriously doubts it.
Summer Stock: Sen. Sherrod Brown says that if he has to work in August to finish this healthcare bill, by Jeebus, he’ll do it!
Two of a Kind: Pelosi says she’ll work in August too, if it comes to it. Good times.
Escape Hatch: Sen. Orrin Hatch has left the bipartisan “coalition of the willing” that’s trying to negotiate a deal on health care.
Shot Down: NRA’s concealed weapons bill crashes in Congress.
Big Business: Advertising abounds in the healthcare world.
Bada$$ Bloggers: They’re young, they’re feminists, AND they blog.
Rape is Funny, Right?: Not so much… how to confront these ‘jokes.’