GQ has just released the first ever list of 25 Douchiest Colleges. Introducing its “heavily researched, possibly stereotypey, but still accurate guide,” the editors write, “The question isn’t whether you’re a douche bag when you go to college. We were all kind of douche bags when we went to college, if we’re going to be honest about it. No, the question for America’s youth is: What kind of douche bag do you aspire to be?” According to their results, you should attend #1 Brown University if you are a “limousine liberal” douche bag who’s interested in such courses as “On Vampires and Violent Vixens: Making the Monster Through Discourses of Gender and Sexuality.”
GQ‘s list brings up some important questions that students should think about before they apply to colleges. For example:
Where can you go if you want to major in Jet Skiing? How about if you’re a trust-fund type but are embarrassed about it? What if you want to lord your intelligence over people for the rest of your life, in the form of a bumper sticker?
It likely won’t surprise you that many of the top scorers on GQ‘s list also rank high on US News & World Report‘s annual list of top colleges and universities. But none of ’em made it onto the 2009 “MoJo Mini College Guide,” complete with some of the best schools you’ve never heard of that won’t destroy your wallet, the best jobs that don’t require a college degree, and some of the more… uh… creative funding options out there. Think of it as a college roadmap for the thrifty, progressive douche.