photo: <a href="http://www.mrjoe.com/MrJoe/Home.html">Mr Joe</a>
A weekly roundup from our friends over at TreeHugger. Enjoy!
Canada’s First Grain CSA Transports Via Sailboat & Triples Demand Within One Year
CSAs aren’t exactly new on the green scene, but one that deals exclusively in grains is. And one that ships only via sailboat in British Columbia is doubly unique.
From Smart Grid to Big Brother?
Smart grids may be the wave of the future when it comes to managing the electric grid so that we can truly take advantage of renewable energy, not to mention save a lot of power in the process. But, are we ignoring the ability of utilities to gather information about you and undermine your privacy?
US Coal Plants Pump Thousands of Gallons of Waste Into Drinking Water Supplies a Day
As if the greenhouse gas emissions weren’t bad enough, a new investigation reveals that hundreds of coal power plants across the country are routinely dumping waste into rivers and streams…ones that millions of people get their water from.
California Now First State to Charge Polluters for Greenhouse Gas Emissions
How will California raise $63 million dollars in three years with CO2? By charging the most polluting companies 15¢ per ton they emit, starting in 2012.
World’s Airlines Pledge to Cut Emissions 50% by 2050
Emissions from air travel may be only a small percentage of the world’s total greenhouse gas output, but much of those emissions have even greater warming potential than ones emitted on terra firma…and they are growing. However, ahead of COP15, the IATA has announced new plans to address their contribution to global warming.
One Trick Pony Saudi Demands Compensation for Support of Climate Action
Is Saudi Arabia blackmailing the rest of the world for climate change support? Citing that they will suffer under a global climate agreement due to declining oil revenues, they are demanding compensation for climate cooperation.