Poster by Ralph Lauren, detouching by Natasja Capelle
I posted here yesterday about Ralph Lauren’s attempt to censor Boing Boing, one of the Web’s most popular destinations, and how it backfired. Short story: BB blogger Xeni Jardin had re-posted a photo of a Ralph Lauren poster, questioning the model’s, well, suspicious proportions. (A picture is worth 1,000 anorexics.) Ralph’s attorneys said cease and desist, wherupon Boing Boing decided to let the door hit the lawyers in the ass on their way out.
Now, via the detouching efforts (pictured at left) of one of its fans, Boing Boing has discovered yet another way to mock the lawsuit-threatening clothier:
Natasja Capelle, a freelance designer, has detouched the image to restore the model to something like a healthy, well-proportioned stature. Want to play along? Make your own detouched image, post a link in the comments.
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