News from our other blogs on health, the environment, and climate.
Two-Faced: Did the White House ever really want a bipartisan healthcare bill?
Bluffing or Boasting?: Republicans threaten to boycott the climate bill’s markup.
Trick Knee: Medical device manufacturers face a big tax, but they’re not going down easy.
Welcome Visitor: ExxonMobil CEO has been a frequent visitor to the White House… why?
Facebook Foes: Chamber of Commerce gets slammed for climate stance on Facebook.
Dems Call Bluff: Sen. Boxer says climate bill will move, with or without GOP.
WWLBJD?: On healthcare reform, Jim Ridgeway wonders what would LBJ have done?
Rush Tactic: Repubs argue they’re not against reform, Dems are just “rushing it.”
Sympathy for the Devil: Pediatrics association cuts deal with Coca-Cola. ‘Nuff said.