Today’s must reads:
- Kevin Drum: Health Care’s Home Stretch (MoJo)
- Is History On Paul Volcker’s Side? (The New Republic)
- Dems Work To Stem Retirements (Hotline)
- Bring On the Lieberman Filibuster (MoJo) | On Lieberman And His Critics (The New Republic)
- Now Ben Nelson wants his moment in the Joe Lieberman sun. (The New Republic)
- Lieberman Tells Democrats He Understands How Hard He’s Made Health Care Reform (TPM)
- What we have here is a failure to communicate | The heroes of health-care reform (Ezra Klein)
- The Public Option Fight May Not Have Been Winnable | Why Progressives Are Batshit Crazy to Oppose the Senate Bill (FiveThirtyEight)
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