Today’s must reads:
- The Obama Surge (MoJo)
- Playing Chicken With Republicans (Kevin Drum/MoJo)
- The KSM trial will be fair enough….. By Jack Goldsmith (Slate)
- GOP Medicare Hypocrisy (MoJo)
- Double dip recession warning (Paul Krugman)
- Legislating is Hard | The Mutual Fund Fraud | Recessions and giant scandals make presidents unpopular. (Matt Yglesias)
- Why California is such a mess | The age of diminished presidential expectations | The seven stories Politico really fears (Ezra Klein)
- Artist’s amazing self-camouflage (Boing Boing)
- The License Plate That Says It All: 2BG2FAIL (Andrew Ross Sorkin)
- Bethany McLean somehow manages to get Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein to recapitulate the famous words of GM president Charlie Wilson (Felix Salmon)
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