Today’s must reads:
- Obama: Undiebomber Could Have Been Stopped (NYT)
- DC Circuit: Pretty much anyone can be detained without charge (SCOTUSBlog)
- Home Sales Down; Everyone Panics (NYT)
- 21 Experts Seek Meeting with WaPost Chair Don Graham Over Possible Ethics Problems With “Fiscal Post” Collaboration (
- Ford Sales Up (WaPo)
- Iceland Leader Vetoes Plan to Pay Equivalent of $13 Trillion To Foreigners Who Had Saved Money in Iceland’s Failed Banks (NYT)
- Glenn Greenwald slams Politico for not challenging Cheney’s statements on Obama administration’s terror policies (Salon)
- The Case Against Allowing C-SPAN Cameras Into Health Reform Negotiations (Wonk Room)
- Andy Kroll on the curse that seems to have settled on the “Cape Wind” project (MoJo)
- Did TSA post honeypot tweet to catch security directive leaker, using blogger’s account? (BoingBoing)
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