Today’s must reads:
- Thanks, Wall Street! May We Have Another?: Americans are angry at the financial crisis—just not at the fat cats who caused it. (MoJo)
- Why Chris Dodd Went Down (MoJo)
- Did Dirty Energy Interests Kill Cape Wind? (MoJo)
- Rep. Peter King (R-NY) Is Fine With Terrorists—As Long As They’re Irish (The New Republic)
- David Corn on “Hardball”: Republican Hypocrisy on Terror Trials (MoJo)
- James Fallows: “One thing I’ve never heard in my time overseas is ‘I wish we had a Senate like yours.'” (The Atlantic)
- Leaks from inside hurting Iranian regime (NYT)
- Will the Revolving Door Take Dorgan to Coal Country? (MoJo) | Or will he join the Obama administration? (The Hill)
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