Photo by republicanconference, <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/republicanconference/4056827994/">via Flickr</a>.
Which is more ridiculous: Republicans pardoning Joe Barton’s apology to BP last week and letting him keep his prized seat as Ranking Member of the Energy and Commerce Committee, or Barton taking to Twitter this morning to validate himself in the third person?
Barton’s feed linked to this piece, titled “Joe Barton Was Right,” which Barton posted to his page on the social networking site Amplify. That post reprints a portion of an American Spectator piece on the same subject.
The real question though, is what this says about Barton’s apology for the apology last week. Which one did he actually mean to offer?
UPDATE: Now it looks like Barton deleted the Tweet. Good thing David Weigel got a screen shot. Does this mean he’s apologizing for un-apologizing?