We’ve been keeping close tabs on the environmental horror show unfolding in the Gulf of Mexico. MoJo human rights reporter Mac McClelland and environment reporter Julia Whitty are on the scene at the oil spill, tweeting and blogging as run BP‘s corporate blockade, while Kate Sheppard reports on the politics of the spill. The big news yesterday was the Department of Justice’s announcement that it’s launching a criminal probe into the oil rig explosion, and that and that the federal government is weighing both criminal and civil penalties for the disaster. Read more here.
Sample tweets from our reporters in the Gulf:
@MacMcClelland: Even on the beach we’re allowed on, there are tar piles big as a 5-yr-old. And this beach was already cleaned today. #BP
@JuliaWhitty: Remember the book On the Beach? Nuclear fallout wafting towards the last survivors? That’s what today on the Mississippi coast felt like.
More coverage:
- BP Hires Cheney’s Press Flack: Anne Womack Kolton will serve as the new “head of U.S. media relations” as the company deals with the PR disaster of the ongoing oil spill in the Gulf. Kolton was Cheney’s press secretary during the 2004 campaign, and then moved to a job in public affairs at the Department of Energy.
- As Hurricane Season Kicks Off, Gulf Oil Worries Grow: Tuesday was the first day of what’s expected to be a bad hurricane season. Especially worrisome, since hurricanes imperil the thousands of miles of oil pipelines that snake across the Gulf. The storms also threaten to churn up the millions of gallons of oil in the Gulf, pushing the slick further on land and spreading it out over a larger area.
- How BP, MMS Ignored Spill Warning Signs: New documents show that both BP and federal regulators at the Interior Department’s Minerals Management Service had plenty of warning that the drilling operation at the Macondo well site was plauged with problems.
- Hollywood to the Rescue: Believe it or not, Kevin Costner and James Cameron have some interesting ideas. But, um, why didn’t BP think of them first?
For more up-to-the-minute updates on the spill, check out our BP coverage and the Blue Marble blog. You can also follow Mac McClelland, Julia Whitty, Kate Sheppard, and the Blue Marble on Twitter.