Courtesy of <a href="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_MiGzkgtdfmw/SsTwm6B8DVI/AAAAAAAAAWs/x-UNlHABjlo/s1600-h/Sharron+Angle+Senate.JPG">Dullard Mush</a>
[UPDATE: A version of Sharron Angle’s “issues” page has been revived, misplaced commas and all. How long will it last??]
That Internet thing is mighty tricky for Republicans to master. Sharron Angle—Tea Partier, Oath Keepers supporter, anti-fluoride crusader, and new GOP candidate for Senate from Nevada—is already demonstrating her solidarity with party luminaries like Ted Stevens, George W. Bush, and the entire House Republican caucus by staging an epic Web fail of her own. In a possible bid to play down her more right-leaning, less mainstream views—which are bound to be a liability in a general election fight with Democratic Senate majority leader Harry Reid—Angle’s campaign website was scrubbed of its spiciest material. Previously, her site featured an “issues” page, where Angle champions nuclear waste while deriding the UN, the Department of Education, “Obamacare,” “illegals,” and “an unscientific hysteria over the man-caused global warming hoax.” That web page became inaccessible.
Unless, that is, you search for the cached page.
So, here, saved for posterity with annotations, are 11 top “issues” statements by Sharron Angle that should be remembered…or at least fact-checked…between now and November:
- “Like a soldier going to war, Sharron Angle has the training and is battle tested. Sharron Angle is fighting for her country, the Constitution of the United States and a free society. Sharron Angle has a proven record that Nevadans and Americans can trust. It is not what Sharron Angle says Sharron Angle will do, but what Sharron Angle has done and will continue to do.” [Sharron Angle is a lot like Chuck Norris that way.]
- “Sharron Angle does not accept money from casinos and unions. Sharron Angle does not oppose casinos and unions but wants to avoid the perception, by voters, that these groups might put undue pressure on her, as a legislator. All of Sharron Angle’s U.S. Senate contributions come from individuals, and seventy-five percent of those contributions come from small donors.” [Sharron Angle apparently counts contributors like the Minuteman PAC, Citizens United, Republican Majority Campaign, and Gun Owners of America as “individuals.” Sharron Angle also decries any campaign finance reform as a limitation of “free political speech.”]
- “Sharron Angle will work toward making a basket of commodities (metals, oil etc.) as a basis for maintaining the value of the U.S. currency.” [A novel twist on the populism of William Jennings Bryan: Putting the dollar on a gold, crude, porkbelly, and frozen-concentrated-orange-juice standard.]
- “Every child has the right to read and reading should be taught using scientifically-based reading research which emphasizes alphabetic principles (phonics).” [No word yet on whether Sharron Angle also favors “scientifically-based” research to teach children science. Also, every child has the right to be taught to recognize a runon sentence.]
- “Cap and Trade, which is based on an unscientific hysteria over the man-caused global warming hoax, steps over the constitutional boundaries of the federal government and is merely another way to tax the people.” [Sharron Angle must be sore at the Nixon and Ford administrations, whose EPA regulations laid the groundwork for cap-and-trade. Also, Sharron Angle probably doesn’t read MoJo‘s contributions at ClimateDesk.org.]
- “Sharron Angle would legislate to repeal regulations that prohibit off shore drilling, drilling in ANWR and development of American owned petroleum resources…Sharron Angle would: Promote Nevada, as the nuclear energy capital of reprocessing spent fuels for the United States…[and] educate Nevadans and Americans, on the safe transportation of nuclear spent fuels since 1954 over 400 million miles without an accident.” [Sharron Angle will also educate herself on the safe transportation of offshore crude oil from the Gulf of Mexico, as well as the proper use of the comma.]
- “Defunding ObamaCare is essential to the economic survival of the United States. The federal healthcare takeover offers no solutions to the cost issues or quality of care issues…Rationing healthcare will put huge segments of America’s population at risk.” [Sharron Angle may not realize that rationing isn’t mentioned in the health care legislation.]
- “The U.N. has been captured by the far left and has become ineffective and costly. The U.N. continually threatens U.S. sovereignty, with endless rhetoric and treaties and it has now become the ‘umpire’ on fraudulent science, such as global warming. The United State needs to withdraw from the United Nations and work solely with America’s willing allies.” [No word yet on what Sharron Angle would do with actual fraudulent umpires.]
- “Sharron Angle supports an intensive physical presence on borders, including military assistance to help the Border Patrol do its job effectively…Sharron Angle opposes amnesty proposals, which send a ruinous signal that breaking the law is acceptable in the United States. “Illegals” must be discouraged from living comfortably within the U.S. borders. [Presumably, Sharron Angle will continue to permit “illegals” to live in the US uncomfortably. Which is good, since encountering an “intensive physical presence” on the border sounds painful.]
- “Sharron Angle believes that the Federal Department of Education should be eliminated. The Department of Education is unconstitutional and should not be involved in education, at any level.” [Sharron Angle is proud to be endorsed by the Nevada Home School Network.]
- “Sharron Angle is qualified for a concealed weapons permit.” [Translation: Sharron Angle is a Nevada state resident with no felony convictions. Phew!]