Posts from our other blogs on Blue Marble-appropriate topics.
Healthy Fight: Talking Democratic strategy on health care repeal.
Pen v. Pharma: Generic drug studies get you a journal article, patented drugs get used.
Sticks and Stones: The Hitler-ization of health care reform debate.
Minority Stake: Why 50% oppose health reform but only 37% want to repeal it.
Free Market: If it were really up to the free market, we wouldn’t have health care.
Hyde and Seek: Making the Hyde Amendment law could stop all insurance for abortions.
Change of Mind: Rep. Issa was hot on investigating ClimateGate. So why not now?
Poor Choice: Rep. King wants government insurance, but only for poor people.
By the Numbers: Numbers on what’s at stake if health care is repealed.
Fear and Loathing: Insurance companies reverse antipathy toward Obama’s health bill.
Orphaned: Haiti’s orphans still have too little food, medicine, and clothes.