Former Speaker Newt Gingrich launched his presidential exploratory effort yesterday, joining a GOP field that also includes pizza mogul Herman Cain and former one-term Louisiana governor Buddy Roemer. Because it’s 2011, the media coverage of his announcement focused on his new website, and more specifically, its very obvious use of a stock photo to make it seem as if Gingrich and his wife, Callista, were standing in front of an adoring—and multi-cultural—flag-waving crowd (see relevant Tumblr here). As the Wall Street Journal noted, the photo is called “Large Crowd of People Holding Stars and Stripes Flags,” and had previously been used by the late Sen. Ted Kennedy.
But what about the photo of Newt and Callista that was photo-shopped on top of the cheering throng? We tracked down the original on Gingrich Productions. It was from a photo shoot for his Citizens United-funded documentary about radical Islam, America at Risk—and there are plenty of others. Here’s one, which we’ll call “Unhappy Couple Standing in Front of Saplings.”
Courtesy of Gingrich Productions
They look pissed!
This one’s called “Couple Standing on Wooden Board”:
Courtesy of Gingrich Productions