Pamela Geller, the anti-Muslim activist who was a significant force between the opposition to the so-called “Ground Zero Mosque” and guards America from inflitration by stealth jihadist turkeys, has posted a rather unusual reaction to the allegations the web video that appears to show US Marines urinating on the corpses of dead Afghans.
Geller, mocking the Council on American Islamic Relations for its condemnation of the video, writes:
Would anyone have CAIRed if Marines urinated on dead Nazi soldiers during WWII? (Anyone besides CAIR and nazis, that is).
I love these Marines.Perhaps this is the infidel interpretation of the Islamic ritual of washing and preparing the body for burial.
The Pentagon had a different reaction. “We are deeply troubled by the video,” Department of Defense spokesperson Capt. John Kirby said in a statement my colleague Adam Weinstein noted earlier today. “Whoever it is, and whatever the circumstances—which we know is under investigation—it is egregious behaviour and unacceptable for a member of the military.”
UPDATE: Holy Cross Religious Studies Professor Caner K. Dagli has posted what he says is an email exchange between him and Geller’s frequent collaborator Robert Spencer, in which Spencer describes Geller as “engaging in satirical hyperbole, which she does with verve and bite.” He adds:
Leftist writers often engage in something analogous to this, although none of them are as intelligent, quick-witted or talented as she is, but when she does it, they suddenly become blunt literalists incapable of recognizing satire or irony, and schoolmarmishly insist that she assuage their hurt feelings.
Really worth reading the whole exchange, which is…fascinating.