The year is almost over. Thank God. If you’re anything like us, you spent a good portion of the last year tearing your hair out over something you read on the internet. (Did you know millennials have a sense of entitlement? It’s true!)
Here are 46 stories we couldn’t stop complaining about in 2013:
Modern Times
“Eric devoured the sandwich as if it were a five-star meal, diving in with large, eager bites. ‘Babes, this is delicious!’ he exclaimed.”
- “A Generation of Idle Trophy Kids,” Boston Globe
- “The Me Generation,” Time
- “To (All) the Colleges That Rejected Me,” Wall Street Journal
- “On Twitter, More ‘Favoriting’,” Wall Street Journal
- “I Got Yelled at by an Inner City Kid at a YMCA Camp,” Thought Catalog
- “I’m Not Going to Pretend I’m Poor to Be Accepted by You,” Thought Catalog
- “How This Syrian Situation Reminds Me of High School,” Thought Catalog
- “Being Privileged Is Not a Choice, so Stop Hating Me for It,” Thought Catalog
- “What’s Wrong With the Modern World,” Guardian
- “I’m 124 Sandwiches Away From an Engagement Ring” New York Post
- “I Am Mr. 300 Sandwiches—How Should I Propose?” New York Post
New York and Not-New-York
“The brunch is all the same.”
- “Want to Meet Influential New Yorkers? Invite Them to Dinner,” New York Times
- “The Nanny Recipes: Skip the Microwave,” New York Times
- “Creating Hipsturbia,” New York Times
- “How I Became a Hipster,” New York Times
- “How Hipsters Ruined Paris,” New York Times
- “For Men, a Gluteus More Maximus,” New York Times
- “Chopped Salad Has Become the Lunch of Choice in the Northeast,” New York Times
- “Take This Microbrew and Shove It,” New Republic
- “Chicago Manuals,” New York Times
Washington Post Columnist Richard Cohen
“Miley Cyrus twerked. I had to look up the word since my indefatigable spell checker had no idea what I meant.”
- “Miley Cyrus, Steubenville and Teenage Girl Culture Run Amok,” Washington Post
- “Christie’s Tea Party Problem,” Washington Post
- “What Art Says About the Past,” Washington Post
- “Racism vs. Reality,” Washington Post
“The preferred terms, he said, are ‘hackers,’ ‘makers’ or ‘coders.'”
- “‘Techie’ Term Draws Derision From Tech Workers,” San Francisco Chronicle
- “Tech Entrepreneurs Revive Communal Living,” San Francisco Chronicle
- “I’ve Raised $6.5 Million to Build and Grow My New Company:,” Pando Daily
- “I Was Quite Surprised by Some Things on My American Airlines International ‘Economy Class’ Flight,” Business Insider
- “Finding the Unjustly Homeless, and Teaching Them to Code,” Medium
- “10 Things I Hate About You: San Francisco,” Medium
- “And You Thought SF Cabs Were Bad? BART Strike Is Crippling Fledgling Mid-Market Tech Corridor,” Pando Daily
- “Castle, Sweet Castle,” Wall Street Journal
“Now, let me be clear. I love the gays. I have gay friends, gay mentors, gay acquaintances and associates.”
- “How Will Chelsea Manning Be Treated in Prison?” Daily Beast
- “Why Obamacare May Be Obama’s Katrina, Iraq,” National Journal
- “Was Mitt Romney Right About Everything?” BuzzFeed
- “Anthony Weiner and Huma Abedin’s Post-Scandal Playbook,” New York Times Magazine
- “Hillary Clinton on Twitter: A Loss of Faith,” Washington Post
- “Bill’s Turn at Bat,” New York Times
- “Gays Now Totally Boring, ENDA Struggle Reveals,” Daily Caller
- “How Michelle Obama Became a Feminist Nightmare,” Politico Magazine
“Women, How Do They Work?”
“When you puzzle over why the elegant Huma Abedin is propping up the eel-like Anthony Weiner, you must remember one thing: Huma was raised in Saudi Arabia…”
- “Advice for the Young Women of Princeton,” Daily Princetonian
- “Sexual Assault and Drinking: Teach Women the Connection,” Slate
- “Turbulence at the New York Times,” Politico
- “Sex on Campus: She Can Play That Game, Too,” New York Times
- “Time to Hard-Delete Carlos Danger,” New York Times
Love Actually
“Love Actually says, yes, you’re crazy, but other people are crazy, too, and you should find out if maybe they’re crazy about you.”
- “Why ‘Love Actually’ Matters,” Mother Jones