In case you haven’t heard, there’s an epidemic raging in West Africa that’s recently crossed yet another border and is bringing entire countries to the verge of collapse. There have been more than ten thousand cases since March. The fatality rate could be as high as 85 percent. Nurses in America and doctors in West Africa are among the people who have suffered because of this thing.
But hey, who’s to say we can’t have a little fun on the side?
With five days left until Halloween, “unique costume shop” Brands on Sale is selling a “sexy” Ebola nurse costume for $59.99. (Boots sold separately.) The getup comes complete with face shield, lab coat-looking “costume dress”, face mask, and eye goggles. Oh, and gloves, too! (By the way, the Liberian government reported a shortage of 2.4 million boxes of gloves over the next six months.)

Just to be be clear, Ebola is bad, bad, bad, bad.
(h/t BuzzFeed for finding this one.)