Cameron Kasky, a survivor of the February 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglass High School, appears on Fox News to discuss the #MarchForOurLives./Fox News
Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators took to the streets in Washington, DC on Saturday to protest gun violence and call for stricter gun laws. The March For Our Lives was organized by student survivors of the February 14 shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, several of whom have become prominent leaders of a new wave of activism around gun control in the wake of the shooting.
Two of the students, Delaney Tarr and Cameron Kasky, appeared on Fox News Sunday to lay out what they sought to accomplish with yesterday’s march. The interview’s most striking moment came, however, when one of the students slammed the NRA in response to a question about the student’s true agenda. Fox’s Chris Wallace asked Kasky to respond to a clip of one of his classmates seemingly accusing supporters of the march of wanting to take guns away from law-abiding gun owners during an interview that aired yesterday on Fox. “The NRA wants people to think that,” Kasky said. “They’re fear mongers. They want to sell weapons by exploiting people’s fears. So the second we want to put common sense regulations on these assault weapons, the NRA will say ‘They are trying to steal every single one of your guns.’ And people believe them. Fortunately, the majority of the American people see past this.”
Fox News released a new poll on Sunday that backs up Kasky, with a majority of Americans supporting enhanced gun control measures, such as universal background checks and a ban on assault weapons.
NEW: Fox News Poll show strong support for stronger gun control pic.twitter.com/u2yrbDMOXN
— FoxNewsSunday (@FoxNewsSunday) March 25, 2018
Earlier in the interview, Kasky and Tarr slammed Donald Trump for seemingly bowing to the NRA in the aftermath of the Douglass shooting. Tarr noted that the president endorsed gun control measures immediately after the shooting, but backed away following a subsequent meeting with NRA leadership. “To call it a coincidence seems like a bit of a stretch,” Tarr said.
You can watch the full interview below.