A poll showing Barack Obama ahead of Hillary Clinton was released yesterday by Rasmussen. I believe it’s the first of its kind. The field is Obama with 32% support, Clinton at 30%, and Edwards at 17%. No other candidate tops 3%.
Rasmussen cautions that the 2% difference between Obama and Clinton is not statistically significant. I suppose it would be bigger news if Obama created a statistically significant lead over Clinton. We’ll blog again when that happens.
Other results of note:
Obama now leads among voters under 40. Clinton is strongest among those 65 and older. Clinton has a two-point edge among Democrats. Obama has a nineteen-point lead among independents likely to vote in a Democratic primary.
Also a little bizarre — Edwards does best against Republicans.
Obama and Clinton are the frontrunners, but Edwards does best in general election match-ups. He leads all GOP hopefuls and is the only Democrat to lead the Republican frontrunner, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani.
And just a final note: 52% of Americans oppose the impending veto George W. Bush will stamp on the Dems’ war spending bill that sets a timeline for withdrawal from Iraq.