
Reader support from people like you—along with a hybrid business model that relies on diverse revenue streams—is what strengthens us , and allows us to focus on reaching an audience of millions each month.

We’re fortunate to be supported by one of the largest networks of reader supporters outside public broadcasting—250,000 subscribers and donors.

Your support makes the Center for Investigative Reporting’s independent, smart, and fearless journalism possible.

As the charts below illustrate, 71.1% of our annual revenue comes from readers’ donations and subscriptions. The rest is a mix of foundation grants, government loans, and advertising income. This hybrid model has ensured our continued success despite the challenges facing the publishing industry.

The following charts represent our fiscal year from July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2023. You can find more information in our 990s, too.


From time to time, the Center for Investigative Reporting also provides fiscal sponsorship services for new projects. The figures shown in these charts do not include CIR fiscal sponsorship revenues or expenses.