The McCain campaign is getting hammered all over the place for promising new economic plans over the weekend and then announcing they had nothing to announce today. The move sent a strong signal that McCain either didn’t appreciate the difficulties facing everyday folks, or didn’t have any solutions for them. It was doubly damaging because, as I note below, the Obama campaign let loose with a slew of economic proposals designed to help working Americans and small businesses.
Either the negative press surrounding this situation convinced the McCain campaign that it needed to do something, or it always intended to unroll a new economic platform Tuesday and did a terrible job of communicating it. Either way, they are now saying that McCain “never intended” to address the economy today, as previously understood, and will do so tomorrow.
I’m betting McCain’s economic policy team is working overtime tonight. Get me a series of economic policies that strike a populist tone while staying true to my fiscally conservative record, combine to articulate a clear vision for the country, and will turn around my failing campaign! You have ten hours!