Today’s must-reads:
- Our radical activist Supreme Court? (The Economist)
- Dems likely to sanction Joe Wilson for outburst (WaPo)
- Judge: $33 million settlement over Merrill Lynch bonuses “does not comport with the most elementary notions of justice and morality.” (NYT)
- Andrew Sullivan: Dear President Bush (The Atlantic)
- Shocker! WaPo publishes another misleading op-ed! (Yglesias)
- Human Rights Watch’s Marc Garlasco slammed for his Nazi memorabilia collection. (NYT)
- The skinny on Jay Leno’s new show (NYT)
- Cry for the rich, part one: Lehman Brothers, one year later (NYT)
- Cry for the rich, part two: “World’s Wealthy Pay A Price in Crisis.” (WaPo)
Seriously, people, can we cut it with the rich people pity party? Anyway, I post pieces like these throughout the day on twitter. You should follow me, of course. David Corn, Mother Jones’ DC bureau chief, also tweets. So do my colleagues Daniel Schulman and Rachel Morris and our editors-in-chief, Clara Jeffery and Monika Bauerlein. Follow them, too! (The magazine’s main account is @motherjones.)