The midterms! They’re almost over—Dear God, sweet God, merciful God, let them be over soon—but not yet! Tomorrow, the House will be decided and the Senate will be decided and various gubernatorial races will be decided and the Presidency will be deci…what’s that? The presidency won’t be decided, you say? Not until 2016?
It’s true, but it’s hard to tell based on what the candidates actually running are saying. “Obama this! Obama that!” They do not like Obama on a train. They do not like him in the rain. The Huffington Post went through the debate transcripts of more than 125 races and found more than 500 references to the current occupant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. This makes a certain bit of sense, because it’s obviously easier for both Democrats and Republicans alike to run against the president—who isn’t terribly popular at the moment—than to run on whatever issues they would otherwise run on.
Here’s the video, which reminds us that although elections certainly mater, the things politicians say in campaigns almost surely don’t.