Image by Flickr user bak2new
A Pensacola judge has green lighted the government seizure of Pensacola’s Dinosaur Adventure Land, a creationist theme park whose owners, Kent and Jo Hovind, owe $430,400 in federal taxes. The Hovinds’ excuse for not paying was that they were employed by God and thus could claim zero income and property.
According to the Pensacola News Journal, the government will sell off the Hovinds’ property to pay the debt. Not sure exactly what those properties are, but the park’s website offers a few clues:
Learn about dinosaurs, principles of science, and even how to make a paper airplane that can fly over 300 feet! Handle our real, live creatures and take the Leap of Faith swing. Enjoyable and educational for all ages, it is specifically targeted for kids under a million years of age!
Be prepared to be challenged to think and to follow the Lord in the way God the Creator has planned for you. If you do not know your Creator, we will be overjoyed to introduce you to Him.
Our funny and experienced guides will lead your family or group on the tour, declaring the works of the Lord and the words of the Lord.
DAL is not an amusement park, for “amuse” means “to not think,” and we want people to think. Rather, it is an amazement park.
So I wonder what’s to become of all the park’s statues and critters? And what’s the going rate for a Leap of Faith swing these days, anyway?