Mother Jones
Thousands of people flooded the streets of d0wntown Oakland Wednesday night, in defiance of an 8 p.m. curfew, to protest police brutality and the killing of George Floyd.
The curfew was announced Monday as Oakland residents gathered for a march starting at Oakland Technical High School and ending near the police station. Wednesday’s nonviolent rally, which began at 8:05 p.m. and was organized by more than a dozen antiracist Oakland groups, is meant to challenge the curfew.
Here is what Mother Jones editors saw:
Signs: Asians for Black Lives, South Asian for Black Lives, Witches for Black Lives.
Next speaker on the curfew: "If you knew the Bay Area, you knew we weren't going down–or inside–without fighting."
Big boo when she mentions journalists getting gassed. You love to see it
— Daniel Nima Moattar (@danielmoattar) June 4, 2020
Photography by Grace Molteni