GOOGLE WOES….What’s going on with Google? Anyone know? It used to be that the search page came up instantly when I clicked on it, but then a while back it suddenly slowed down. Not a lot, but enough to be annoying. Maybe a second or two.
And YouTube has slowed down too. I can’t remember the last time I played a YouTube video all the way through without interruption. These days I’m lucky for videos to play 20 seconds before they stop to rebuffer.
And Google Alerts used to be great too. It was a perfect tool for getting notified whenever someone responded to a blog post I’d written. But now? About 80% of the alerts I get are for posts from blogs where I just happen to be on the blogroll.
All this stuff started a couple of months ago or so. Is it just me? Has anyone else noticed the same thing? What happened? And can Barack Obama fix it?