Today is Friday the 13th and Inkblot and Domino have decided they should lie low. No point in taking chances, right? My mother’s kittens, however, have no such superstitions and were delighted to romp around for the camera. On the left, Ditto (because he’s a carbon copy of one of my mother’s other cats) is staring at a bug in the garden, waiting for a chance to pounce. It came a few seconds after I took this picture. On the right, Tillamook (because he looks like a piece of cheese) has scampered up a tree and is obviously delighted with the way the setting sun shows off his orange coat.
(And why was I over visiting mom? Because Tillamook dived into her wall unit the other day, knocked the cable box down the back, and then bolted out of the room. He was fine. The TV, not so much. So I went over to fish the thing out and get it reconnected. Only time will tell if Tilly has learned his lesson.)