Yesterday the Daily Caller noted that Sarah Palin had “mocked her media detractors — Politico, specifically — as ‘puppy-kicking, chain-smoking porn producers,’ ” but luckily I checked the full quote before I posted something snarky about it. Here it is:
“The ‘reporters’ who continue to cite ‘unnamed GOP-insiders’ as hard news sources are deemed impotent by the American public as we rise up and say, ‘The state of journalism today stinks. Let’s clean it up and expect some accountability’,” Palin wrote in an email to The Daily Caller.
Palin also mocked Politico’s use of anonymous sources, saying, “I suppose I could play their immature, unprofessional, waste-of-time game, too, by claiming these reporters and politicos are homophobe, child molesting, tax evading, anti-dentite, puppy-kicking, chain smoking porn producers…really, they are… I’ve seen it myself…but I’ll only give you the information off-the-record, on deep, deep background; attribute these ‘facts’ to an ‘anonymous source’ and I’ll give you more.”
Eh. In the blogosphere we say stuff like that about overreliance on anonymous sources all the time. It’s hard to get too bothered by this. But “anti-dentite”? That is pretty weird. Welcome to election day!