Over the weekend Donald Trump said that he’s willing to consider higher tax rates on the rich, but he then clarified that he only meant higher rates than the ones in his tax plan. Since his tax plan is obviously just more buffoonery for the rubes, I understand why no one really feels like taking any of this seriously. But just in case a few of you are curious what he means, here is TPC’s analysis of Trump’s tax plan:
TPC figures the average gazillionaire will save $1.3 million per year under Trump’s tax plan. So what Trump is saying is that he’s willing to consider a plan in which the gazillionaires will only get a tax cut of, say, a million dollars per year.
Do you want percentages instead? Of course you do! Under Trump’s plan—like all Republican tax plans—a middle-class worker gets a tax reduction of only 4.3 percentage points. The gazillionaires get a whopping reduction of 12.5 percentage points.
Quite the man of the people, no?