Hare Care ProductsCrest, Pampers, Luvs, Old Spice, Sunny Delight, Bounce, Secret, Sure, Oil of Olay, Vidal Sassoon, Cover Girl, Tide, Era, Bold, Dawn, Joy, NyQuil, Vicks, Pepto-Bismol, Noxema, Cascade, Cheer, Jif, Crisco, Folgers, Duncan Hines, Cheer, Bounty, Pringles, Bain de Soleil, Clearasil, Ivory (and the list doesn’t stop there); Procter & Gamble
Procter & Gamble continues to perform safety tests for its consumer and cosmetic products on rabbits and other laboratory animals when these tests are not required by law and when alternative, non-animal tests exist, charges In Defense of Animals (IDA), which in 1989 called for a boycott of all P&G products. The boycott, underway in countries on six continents, is supported by PETA, the National Anti-Vivisection Society and other animal rights groups.
It’s a Rat’s Life
Colgate, Palmolive, Ajax, Fab, Speed Stick, Mennen, SoftSoap; Colgate-Palmolive Co.
Alas, Colgate is no safer than Crest for the laboratory animal — or the animal-loving consumer — because Colgate-Palmolive Co. also tests its products on live beasties. For that reason PETA and other animal rights groups are boycotting the company — along with scores of others. Alternatives to the toothpaste titans? Everyone we spoke to mentioned one: Tom’s of Maine.
Tea TroublesIt’s a scorcher. You’re parched. Do you reach for a dubiously endorsed Snapple straight from the cooler, or the exotically packaged Arizona Iced Tea?