Major US Military Bases1 | Post-Gulf War: Camp Le Monier, forward staging base |
Minor US Military Bases1 | None |
US Military Personnel Stationed 10/14/20001 | None |
US Military Personnel Stationed as of 2/27/031 | 1300-3300 troops; unmanned “Predator” drone planes, at least 800 special-operations troops, and as many as 2,000 marines. |
Military Expenditures, 20012 | $26.5 million |
Military Expenditures as Percentage of GDP2 | 4.4% |
US Military Arms Sales (Delivered) 1990-20013 | $6.9 million |
1 Source:
2 Source: CIA World Fact Book,
3 Source: Federation of American Scientists, U.S. Arms Transfers Database,