A Fox in the Electoral Henhouse?
By Micah L. Sifry
Apr. 15, 2002
With the appointment of former GOP lawyer Michael Toner to the Federal Election Commission, President Bush did more than simply insult the champions of reform.
Campaign Inflation
By Eric Bates
March 5, 2001
Industry pumped in a record 696 million dollars to elect George W. Bush and a GOP Congress. The Mother Jones 400 reveals the nation’s top contributors — and what they expect in return.
Padlock the Revolving Door!
By Ted Rall
May 19, 2000
Campaign finance reform isn’t nearly enough. To really get the influence of money out of politics, we need to keep ex-politicians out of corporate boardrooms.
No Small Change
By William Saletan
January/February, 1999 Issue
Reformers are overly optimistic about ridding politics of Big Money.