The New York Times runs a fun piece today on young wingnuts-in-training who get plum summer internships at the Heritage Foundation. There aren’t too many surprises here—they’ve all been trained well, apparently, in the black arts of whining about oppression on college campuses—but this part was just plain odd:
Katherine Rogers, a junior at Georgetown, is spending the summer in the Keith and Lois Mitchell room, on the Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Smyth floor, just upstairs from the Norma Zindahl Intern Lounge, which is adjacent to the William J. Lehrfeld Intern Center. Ms. Rogers’s father is a longtime Heritage donor, and she is working in donor relations, which she thinks will be useful in her intended career as a pharmaceutical lobbyist.
That’s her lifelong goal? Was it the epic battle over the Bayh-Dole Act that first inspired her as a child, perhaps?