We’ve had a discussion here on MoJoBlog about whether John McCain’s current embrace of pro-life positions and figures (and what a fervent embrace it is) is a reversal of previously moderate positions on abortion — he once told the SF Chronicle “I would not support repeal of Roe v. Wade” — or if it is simply the tail end of a long record that has always been hostile to a woman’s right to choose.
Well, John McCain would prefer we don’t have that debate. In an email to supporters that I received (beginning, “Dear fellow Alabamans,” which I found odd), McCain’s campaign writes the following:
John McCain is pro-life and has always fought for the rights of unborn children.
John McCain believes Roe v. Wade is a flawed decision that must be overturned.
John McCain has repeatedly voted against abortion.
The pro-abortion groups NARAL Pro-Choice America and Planned Parenthood have given Sen. McCain a 0% rating for his strong and consistent pro-life voting record.
Sen. McCain voted at least eight times to ban partial birth abortions, including voting twice to overturn President Clinton’s veto of the partial birth abortion ban.
Sen. McCain voted for the Unborn Victims of Violence Act.
John McCain will continue to promote adoption.
Sen. McCain cosponsored legislation to prohibit discrimination against families with adopted children, to provide adoption education and to permit tax deductions for qualified adoption expenses.
John McCain will nominate judges who will strictly interpret the Constitution.
Sen. McCain strongly supported the nominations of Justices Roberts, Alito, Rehnquist, Thomas, and Scalia.
John McCain is noted for his long pro-life record.
Wow. No confusion there. No hint of moderation or maverick-ness. Sounds like a straight party-line GOP politician to me. (By the way, all clumsy emphasizing is native to the text. )
Defensive much, John?