A new Rasmussen poll out today asked people if they would “definitely” vote for someone or “definitely not” vote for someone. Because it’s early and few people have made their selections, it’s really hard to get a high number in the “definitely vote for” category, and it’s nearly impossible to have more “definitely fors” that “definitely againsts.” Last month, Rudy Giuliani was the only person who had more people saying they would definitely vote for him than definitely vote against him, and this month no candidate can claim such a sweet seat. (By the way, someone will want to explain the definition of the word “definitely” to those ex-Rudy supporters.)
Obama’s doing the best; Gingrich the worst. Here are the numbers:
Def FOR: 33%
Def AGAINST: 33%
Differential: Even
Def FOR: 29%
Def AGAINST: 34%
Differential: -5%
Fred Thompson
Def FOR: 19%
Def AGAINST: 29%
Differential: -10%
Def FOR: 26%
Def AGAINST: 37%
Differential: -11%
Def FOR: 23%
Def AGAINST: 35%
Differential: -12%
Def FOR: 17%
Def AGAINST: 33%
Differential: -16%
Def FOR: 30%
Def AGAINST: 48%
Differential: -18%
Def FOR: 10%
Def AGAINST: 28%
Differential: -18%
Def FOR: 9%
Def AGAINST: 38%
Differential: -29%
Def FOR: 20%
Def AGAINST: 49%
Differential: -29%
Gainers include Obama, Edwards, and Fred Thompson. Discuss.