Today’s question comes courtesy of CQ Politics. Knock it dead:
How many women represented New Hampshire in congress before Carol Shea-Porter, who was elected last year?
I’ll update this post later today with the answer and the results of our contest here (morning trivia keeps our DC reporting skills sharp). If you have a question, submit it to If it’s good, we’ll use it and credit you on the blog. Please let us know if you got it from another source.
Guesses in the comments section as always. Thanks!
Commenter Nicholas Beaudrot writes: “The obvious guess is zero.” It’s also the obvious answer, which no one in the DC bureau guessed. They were all thrown off by reporter Laura Rozen’s contention that Jeanne Shaheen once represented New Hampshire in congress. (Ms. Shaheen was actually the governor of the Granite State.) Congratulations to Mr. Beaudrot — we’ll try again tomorrow.
— Nick Baumann