News from the fast-food world: Burger King is about to roll out a $1 double cheeseburger. The new promotion is designed to challenge McDonald’s rein over the rock-bottom food market. McDonald’s has had a $1 double cheeseburger for years now on its “value menu,” which according to the Wall Street Journal, accounts for nearly a quarter of its sales, but Burger King’s double has sold for twice that much. Experts predict that BK’s new burger-for-a-buck campaign will set off a price war. Who knows how low it could go!
This is probably good news for all you beef eaters out there, but it can’t be good for the nation’s collective waistline. Someday someone will study whether the race to the bottom burger pricing produced a corresponding increase in obese Americans. After all, BK will be making it even easier for people to consume more than 1,000 calories and 67 grams of fat in one sitting, for just a buck. If there was ever a good case to be made for a junk food tax, this might be it.