CNN is reporting that Joe Biden and Chris Dodd are dropping out of the presidential race. According to the current count, Biden took 0.94 percent of delegates and Dodd took 0.02 percent. And though Richardson’s press secretary told me in November that “a top three finish is all we need,” Richardson is going to take his fourth place finish (and 2.10 percent of delegates) and move forward. “We made it to the final four,” Richardson said in a statement. “My staff and volunteers worked their hearts out to get us here. Now we are going to take the fight to New Hampshire.”
There’s some intrigue with Richardson. I heard a Richardson precinct captain say he was told personally by someone in the Richardson campaign to throw his caucus-goers to Obama if Richardson wasn’t viable. The reasoning given, according to this precinct captain, was that internal polling was telling the Richardson campaign that Obama needed the most help, and by throwing support to him, no clear frontrunner would emerge in the race. The move also insured that Biden and Dodd didn’t get any additional support. After all, what does a few extra percent for someone like Obama really matter?
Richardson, however, will have to drop out soon, barring a miraculous comeback. It will be interesting to see if Biden, Dodd, or Richardson endorse a remaining candidate.