Love this story from Roll Call (sub. required). Apparently, members of the GOP are angry because the telecom companies they are trying to protect with immunity in the FISA fight aren’t rewarding them for their efforts with increased donations.
“It’s quite discouraging,” said one GOP leadership aide, referring to the disparity in giving from the telecommunications industry in light of the FISA debate, but also the broader lack of support for Republicans from the business community in general.
“These companies just won’t do anything,” the aide said. “Even when you have the Democrats working against their bottom line.”
…Another leadership aide concurred, arguing that business groups vowed to hold Republicans’ feet to the fire when they were in the majority while the Democratic leadership seems to be getting a free ride.
“They’re funding the campaigns of people who want to put them out of business,” the aide said, adding that business groups often rationalize their giving because they think Democrats will be willing to work with them.
Quit yer bellyaching. If you actually believe the telecom companies should not be held culpable for enabling the federal government’s warrantless wiretapping program, then you shouldn’t expect cash payments in return. Or was this whole thing about money all along?