For the Democrats:
Obama 58%, Clinton 41%
Obama wins 40 delegates, Clinton wins 28
Obama 76%, Clinton 24%
Obama wins 12 delegates, Clinton wins 4
Current delegate count, including superdelegates
Obama 1356, Clinton 1267 (2025 needed to win)
For the Republicans:
McCain 55%, Huckabee 37%, Paul 5%
McCain wins 35 delegates, Huckabee and Paul win 0
McCain 49%, Huckabee 22%, Romney 20%, Paul 7%
McCain wins 14 delegates, Huckabee, Romney, and Paul win 0
Current delegate count
McCain 967, Huckabee 245, Paul 14 (1191 needed to win)
Full analysis of the state of the Democratic race here.
Update: Those delegate totals are from Real Clear Politics, which has changed its numbers since I checked them this morning. They’ve been changed to reflect RCP’s update. Also note that many news outlets have different delegate totals.