Dana Goldstein over at the Prospect applauds the newly released Democratic platform.
The draft of the Democratic Party platform, principally written by Obama’s Senate policy director, the estimable Karen Kornbluh, is a remarkably feminist document, one befitting of a political party that, this year, came exceedingly close to nominating a woman. In the summer of 2006, I heard Rep. Carolyn Maloney of New York speak on the Hill, lamenting that the chicken livered John Kerry team had, for the first time in decades, removed support for the Equal Rights Amendment from the party platform. Well, this year the ERA is back, alongside a truly unequivocal statement of support for reproductive rights, an unprecedented statement in opposition to sexism, and new sections on equal pay, women’s economic struggles, work-family balance, and violence against women…
It’s clear that care was taken to involve members of Hillary Clinton’s circle in the document’s drafting (perhaps Dana Singiser), or to at least take their concerns to heart. Clinton’s run is presented in the document as a feminist historical feat, and in the foreign policy section, the draft borrows the language of Clinton’s celebrated 1995 speech to the United Nations Conference on Women in Beijing: “Our policies will recognize that human rights are women’s rights and that women’s rights are human rights.” Reflecting Obama’s own long-standing interest in international development, the documented continues, “Women make up the majority of the poor in the world. So we will expand access to women’s’ economic development opportunities and seek to expand microcredit.”
Goldstein also takes a look at how the language on abortion has changed since 2004 and says the party has gotten even more strongly pro-choice. Take a look.