Talk about beating a dead horse. Here’s the conservative National Review, via Damon Linker:
From these announcements we learn that President Obama recognizes no difference between the Jewish-Christian covenant between a woman and a man (a covenant that they will have and nurture children, if they are so blessed), and a civil contract between two persons of any sex, in order to set up a household of affection and sexual favors.
This is a relapse into paganism.
And here’s the conservative Weekly Standard, via Andrew Sullivan:
“Look out for organic broccoli farm and arugula awareness earmarks in the stimulus.”
Hey folks? Sarah Palin lost, remember? The divide-and-conquer, liberals-are-all-elitists-from-fake-America bullshit went down in flames. The guy who insisted that we can work together to make the country better won decisively and now has an approval rating hovering around 80 percent. Feel free to keep banging that old, threadbare drum. ‘Cause no one’s listening.