Ok, maybe it’s more of a brow lift.
From ProPublica today:
Our ever-watchful ChangeTracker tool spied a flurry of activity at whitehouse.gov yesterday—the administration updated more than two dozen web pages. Changes included some sweeping edits and complete rewrites to “The Agenda” area of the site, now renamed as “Issues.”
I guess “Issues” sounds better. But check this out:
The Iraq page was deleted and replaced with a single paragraph on the foreign policy page.
Like many issues pages the civil rights page was dramatically cut. 756 words devoted to supporting the LGBT community have been replaced with two sentences.
Read more on ProPublica about that.
And if you haven’t played with this yet, check out ProPublica’s ChangeTracker. It’s a nifty web tool that, you guessed it, tracks changes—to whitehouse.gov and a few other gov sites. Even cooler: They tell you how to create your own change tracker for any site you like.