The must-read news from around the web and in today’s papers:
- In State of the Union, a cool Obama tackles jobs, health care, winning over independent voters: [Mother Jones]
- GOP response to SOTU says Obama has done little to bolster US economy: [Los Angeles Times]
- Can health-care reform in the US, now at an impasse, be resuscitated? [MoJo]
- Obama calls for repeal of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy in military: [CNN]
- Government leaders will announce today a $500 million “pay-for-peace” plan with Taliban: [Bloomberg]
- This winter’s extreme weather illustrates climate change disrupting seasonal patterns, report says: [WaPo]
- College endowments suffer their worst losses since the Great Depression: [NYT]
- Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner defends AIG’s backdoor bailout before Congress: [Wall Street Journal]
- The Pentagon is sending more US Special Forces to Yemen to train counterterror forces: [WSJ]
- Defense experts criticize Obama for exempting defense spending from three-year freeze: [Washington Independent]
- Howard Zinn, historian and author of A People’s History of the United States, died at age 87. [MoJo]