The must-read news from around the web and in today’s papers:
- Will the Supreme Court grant immunity to a Somalian war criminal? [Mother Jones]
- US government poised for formal investigation into Toyota complaints: [Washington Post]
- Second Tea Party convention planned for Las Vegas in July: [Fox News]
- State pension funds in America face $1 trillion shortfall: [Reuters]
- Talks begin with Syria to mend ties between that country and the US: [AP]
- Democrats say they may not have any health-care proposals before Feb. 25 summit: [Business Week]
- A look at the political battleground forming in Virginia’s Appalachian region: [WaPo]
- Ongoing Helmand Province mission is just first step in Afghan war; next up, Kandahar: [Baltimore Sun]
- Missile system that killed 12 civilians in Marja military offensive is back in use already: [LA Times]
- Are environmental advocates cooling on Obama? [New York Times]