Weekly news on health and the environment from our other blogs.
New Start: Health care reforms start going into action this week.
Bang for Buck: Americans pay a lot for health care, but don’t get much for it.
Ch-ch-Changes: Kaiser has a handy timeline of when health care reforms start.
Planning Ahead: GOP may not be able to repeal health reform, but it can chip at it.
Warm Glow: Dems are basking in the light of newly enacted health reform.
Obtuse Angle: Sharron Angle mocks autism, decries maternity leave since she won’t have more kids.
Jailing Gramps: Caring for elderly prisoners is becoming increasingly expensive, and inhumane.
Conspiracy Theory: Avastin wasn’t rationed away by Obamacare: the drug just didn’t work.
Live from Haiti: Our reporter Tweets her time with a rape victim receiving care in Haiti.