Ho ho ho and merry Thanksgiving! Here is a ranking of twenty Thanksgiving films. What is a “Thanksgiving film”? For the purposes of this post it is a film that is both a) on Wikipedia’s list, and b) one I, Ben Dreyfuss, immediately recall seeing and have an opinion about.
1. Hannah and Her Sisters
2. Rocky
3. Scent of a Woman
4. Rocky II
5. Planes, Trains, and Automobiles
6. Home for the Holidays
7. Avalon
8. The Ice Storm
9. The Morning After
10. For Your Consideration
11. Grumpy Old Men
12. Addams Family Values
13. Funny People
14. Spider-Man
15. The Object of My affection
16. The Other Sister
17. Bean
18. Son in Law
18. Tower Heist
19. Unknown
20. Jack and Jill
Disclosure: I haven’t actually seen Jack and Jill but I’m pretty confident it’s the worst. Also, The Last Waltz was not included in this ranking because though it is on the Wikipedia list of Thanksgiving films, it shouldn’t be. Still pretty good though!