This photo was taken looking due west on Chapman Avenue. I was at this spot last weekend, a day after the vernal equinox, and watched the sun set very beautifully right over the road. But I didn’t have my camera, and the next two days the sky was too clear for a decent sunset. The rest of the week I didn’t feel like fighting traffic to get up there, but I finally went back on Friday. Unfortunately, by that time the sun was already setting several degrees north of due west (about where the palm tree is on the right). I took some pictures anyway, which I might put up eventually, but it wasn’t what I wanted. I made a note in my calendar to try again during the autumnal equinox, so we’ll see if that works out.

In the meantime, I took this picture well before the sun was down, and instead of the usual reddish color it produced this lovely, bright yellow. It’s quite entrancing.

UPDATE: Equinox, not solstice. Fixed now.

March 29, 2019 — Orange, California


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