Watch Maya Rudolph’s Kamala Harris Own Mike Pence on SNL

And witness a very bizarre sequence about The Fly.

This week’s Saturday Night Live had no shortage of content to work with as it took on the vice presidential debates. 

The latest episode dropped in the midst of a coronavirus outbreak at the White House, which has infected the president along with several members of his inner circle. During SNL’s cold open, Kate McKinnon, as USA Today’s Susan Page, explains: “Tonight you’ll notice that between the candidates we’ve installed buffet style sneeze guards on account that one of you works for patient zero.” Page announces the virus as the debate’s first topic, to which Beck Bennett’s Mike Pence replies: “Dammit.”

But the real standout from the sketch is Maya Rudolph as Sen. Kamala Harris, who repeatedly shuts down Pence’s interruptions with “I’m speaking,” and smiles “like I’m in a TJ Maxx and a white lady asks me if I work here.”

Then things get weird, as Joe Biden, played by Jim Carrey, teleports in to play the highlight of the real debate: The Fly. Herman Cain, played by Kenan Thompson, comes back from the dead to join Biden atop Pence’s head and warn the audience, “Don’t trust this White Devil about that ‘rona.”

Watch it here: 


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