THE “ENOUGH” CLUB….Michael Kinsley is a liberal, but he’s about as moderate and contrarian a liberal as you’re likely to find. After a lie or five too many from the McCain campaign, however, he’s finally had enough:
Maybe when this is over, one way or another, McCain will swear off corrupt lying the way he has sworn off corrupt money.
But it shouldn’t be necessary to wait for one of McCain’s conveniently delayed conversions to righteousness. In a democracy, obvious lies and obvious liars should be self-defeating. Why aren’t they?
One reason is that the media have trouble calling a lie a lie, or asserting that one side is lying more than the other — even when that is objectively the case. They lean over backwards to give liars the benefit of the doubt, even when there is no doubt.
….But that shouldn’t let John McCain off the hook. He says he’d rather lose the election than lose the war. But it seems he’d rather lose that honor he’s always going on about than lose the election.
So how many people have joined the “Enough” club? It only counts if they sort of liked McCain in the first place, so folks like Krugman and Harold Meyerson don’t count. Off the top of my head I count eight and a half: Kinsley. Friedman. Mallaby. Joe Klein. Dionne. Marcus. Halperin. Herbert. Brooks seems like he might be getting there. Who else?